Friday, May 27, 2005

Horse Experts Part Zwei

I have always held the utmost respect for horse experts. To use the vernacular, "They rock the house!" Why? Because if you have any question, I mean any question at all about horses, they can answer them. It's unbelievable how much they know about horses. They know their horses cold. You can depend on horse experts - you just can. You can try to trick them, but it won't work if you're trying to trick them about horses. Why? Because they eat, sleep, and breathe horses like no other. If you're talking to one, and you bring up a topic that's not about horses - like sports - they'll say, "Wait a minute, you've switched the topic away from horses, haven't you!" That's how intense they are about knowing about horses. They want to know more, too. If you think that they're content with what they already know, you're wrong 24x7. They want to know more every - single - day! Because of his deep respect for horse experts, the Tethermaster performs, and gives the money to one of his favorite charities of course, at local gatherings and events. For $1, you can ask the Tethermaster any question about horses that you can think of, and he will tell you whether or not a horse expert would know the answer! It might be yes and it might be no - but he never, ever, says "I don't know"! Amazing! In 15 years, he has never been stumped one time, and he has contributed over $300,000 to charities around the world and in Ohio. He introduces his act like this. "OK people, let's see whether or not you can ask me a question and I can tell you whether or not a horse expert would know the answer? " The usual answer is "Yes, a horse expert would know that, but nice try!" Amazing!


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